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With a trumpet blare and a scene depicting people rising from graves as shown in Judgement – card number 20 of the Tarot, Julienne and Cyndera discuss how the hero of our journey  is called to leave the old behind – not just Death and those stages in between.  This penultimate edition of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast sees this as a Judgement_RaiderWaitestage of the rebirth process where one is asked to call the old selves back up and with it the old stories to release their particular hold on us and see them in a new light.

Through the lessons and experiences of the journey we can now judge what best action should be taken and rise up to the challenges to embrace our life and answer the greater ‘Calls’ of our life beyond the egoic or the mundane. We see now our true calling is in every breath of our lives playing out in every moment.

Julienne regales us with how this story of redemption and evolution is played out poignantly in the 2012 epic film Cloud Atlas with the compelling stories of lives interwoven over 500 years.  Cyndera relays how the academy award winning documentary “Searching for Sugarman” captures the essence of a true calling held within the Judgement card.

Throughout the podcast the ideas of redemption, evolution and levels of change effect how we see our true calling.  References and a list of symbols, links and images are below.

Redemption: The old story will always be the old story to contend with to make up for – to redeem.

Evolution: The story is bigger – inclusive of what happened and holds space for the purpose of what happened beyond our limited understanding. What we believed was a mistake is included in a larger connected story.

Symbols seen in the card:

  • Angel – messenger, not of the earth
  • Arms – accepting with open arms – embracing the new direction – surrender
  • Trumpet – the call to the new life – to be reborn –  out of complacency – awaken
  • Flag with the cross – announcement or proclamation – staking a claim to a new territory – the equal armed cross is about balance – possibly the balance of the masculine and feminine – of agency and community  – also 4 sections reflect the 4 directions, the 4 elements – a meeting place

Recommended Books:

Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life  By Gregg Levoy

The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling By James Hillman

A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do By Thomas Moore

Recommended Video:

Craig Chalquist  Earthrise: Beacon of a New Worldview

Recommended Films:

Cloud Atlas (2012)

Searching for Sugarman (2012)


The Fall  (2008)
The Tree of Life (2011)
The Fountain (2006)
Big Fish
Gran Torino
The Fisher King
Les Miserables
Goodwill Hunting
Jerry Macguire
Shawshank Redemption

Popular associations:

  • Judgement —– Rebirth —–  Calling —– Absolution
  • Restart —– Accepting past mistakes/actions —– Release
  • Forgiveness —– End of repression —– Reconciliation —– Renewal
  • Decision —– Salvation —– New beginning —– Hope —– Redemption