Not an endorsement of the book, but a funny picture. Photo©Isaach Hsieh

I was at a gathering recently and mentioned that I was thinking of writing about archetypes and dating. Heads swiveled, glasses stopped clinking and I had the feeling that I was in some sort of TV commercial with all eyes on me.  Everyone wanted to know more and where they could go to read up on my insights.  The response, beyond being kinda funny, has been pretty much the same for everyone I’ve floated the idea out to.  It’s a fascinating topic and with that kind of response, how could refuse?

Do archetypes play a part in dating?  Oh indeed they do!  In fact dating might be one of those activities that bring out some patterns that you might not have thought much about before or just took to be typical dating neurosis.

For some, dating is a joy, to others it’s a chore or even akin to a trip to the dentist.  For those of you in the latter camps, here’s some good news, there is a different way to look at dating beyond the love it/hate it quotient.  One that is as multi-contextual and fascinating as life itself and yet totally practical. Archetypes might be one of the best ways to get clear on who you are and what you want before you pick up the phone, go out to the bars, start that online profile or flirt with the girl/guy in line with you at Trader Joes.

So friends, fellow singles and interested parties I’m going to put what I know about archetypes and dating out there and include some of the things I’ve learned from other sources into this new series of posts.  My style will be a bit more casual, and a bit more comical.  Posts will always have the comment section open for questions and feedback.  You could even start now by adding your own 2 cents worth, request or question.

Here is a list of all of the Archetypes and Dating posts

Yours Truly,
